curiosity – where is yours?

In the store a few days ago, a little girl was looking my way and I spoke, “Hi.”  She waved back with a tiny bit of a smile escaping from her lips.  She continued looking my way and I returned her look with a glimpse of invitation.  She finally asked, “Do you have a baby in your stomach?”  Placing a hand on my belly and chuckling, I replied “No, I have simply eaten more than I should for too many days.”  Her curiosity and my truth had collided and there we were.

The curiosity of children is one of most sacred gifts of life – to a family, a community, a nation.  The innocent wondering, the desire to make connection, the courage to seek them out from friend or stranger – each become steps that move us all closer in journeys of truth.  I believe it is this same wonder, desire and courage that bring people into spiritual direction relationships.  Because we, too, stand around wondering if what we see is actually what we think it is.    Is this experience an invitation into a new vocation?  Has my grief been trying to point me toward healing?  Was that conversation confirmation from God?

Spiritual direction becomes the container that helps hold and encourage a healthy wrestling with the questions and the wonder.  Together, we ask these questions of God and pay attention for the answers that emerge within and around us.  Where can curiosity and truth collide for you?


Other questions that draw people into spiritual direction:

  • Where is God in the busyness of life?
  • What are my gifts – how can I serve my community and others?
  • God seems more judging than loving….why?
  • How do I discern God’s will for me?
  • I think I should pray, but I don’t….
  • How do I sense God’s presence?

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